Friday, April 2, 2010

Still amazing....

I am still feeling pretty darn good today.
Again I came home yesterday and just felt alive and rejuvenated. It is amazing to feel like this again.
I am worried about how I will feel when the roommate arrives back home today. But for now I am enjoying myself.
I took the day off a while ago when he planned his trip. I did it just to have a quiet day not realizing that I would not have had to take the day to have a great couple days. My BFF was suppose to be here too but that didn't work out.

Well I am off to curl up in bed and watch a movie and hopefully, accidentally take a nap.

I will have something to share don't go away yet.
p.s. and more posts coming too


Paula said...

Yeah, love how you can relax, feeling good. Happy for you! Wish you a very happy Easter. Hugs fromt his side of the pond

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're still doing well beautiful *hugs*