Sunday, March 28, 2010

another day

I just realized that my one year blog anniversary has passed.
A disturbing thought crossed my mind the other day.....I haven't had sex in almost a year. That is just insane. How did this happen? How?????
I know this doesn't help all the emotions and things I have been going through. I would have never thought that would be an option in my life, ever. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions. I had surgery and no life-threatening pathology reports. The consideration for another surgery has been looming, the process is slow but the benefit is life changing and life saving.
I constantly wonder about quality of life and where to go from here. I constantly wonder how long I can stand this roommate situation.


Anonymous said...

Well all you can do is all you can do. Take care of you and everything else should fall into place. good luck!

Paula said...

Well you seem to have gone through quite some life changing situations. Means a new chapter of your life is shaping, emerging still it takes time. Maybe even a sex-free time. I found on the quest to get closer to myself I concentrated on dating myself, falling in love with myself. Made me miss sex not at all and now this area of life is active again and has a complete different quality. One step at a time, one issue at a time. HUgs to you

Anonymous said...

Sending you some snuggles :D